IUCN                    :  LC 
CAMP                   :  LRnt 
CITES                   :  Appendices II
Schedule             :  II (Part I) 
Population          :  Unknown but declining 
Activity                 :  Nocturnal 
Social Group       :  Solitary

👉Local name   :  Jungali billi, Vagh biladi, Vaghar billo

👉Physical measurements & life cycle:👇

Length             :  70 - 80 cm

Weight             :  5 - 6 kg

Tail length      :  30 cm

Gestation        :  60 - 63 days

Litter size       :  3 - 4 

Life Span        :  10 - 15 years

Breeding        :  No definite breeding season

👉Description   :  About the size of domestic cat, colour of the coat varies from sandy and yellowish grey to brown and tawny red; tail with dark rings and black tip. The tip is black, ears are darker with black tips on the backside of ears. 

👉Food   :   Rodents and other small mammals, small birds and also fruits. 

👉Distribution   :   All over Gujarat. 

👉Habitat   :  Thick to open forest, grasslands.

👉 Behaviour  :  Crepuscular to nocturnal in habit; very swift, strong and quite bold.

👉 Signs of presence  :  Pugmarks, Voice.

👉In some parts of India (e.g. Kashmir), the Jungle cat does not hesitate to inhabit old houses or in the vicinity of towns/cities. There is a record of the fearlessness of this cat according to which the cat had captured a pet animal in presence of its owner.

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