CITES : Not listed
Schedule : III
Population : Over 97,000
Activity : Crepuscular
Social Group : Solitary or in pairs
👉Local name : Nilgai, Roz
👉Physical measurements & life cycle : 👇
Length : 200 - 215 cm
Weight : Male - 200 - 300 kg, Female - 120 - 150 kg
Height : 130 - 135 cm (horn : 20 cm)
Maturity : Female - 25 montha, Male - 30 - 35 month
Gestation : 9 months
Litter size : 2
Life span : 20 years
Breeding : No definite season or period of a year.
👉Description : This antelope having horse-like build is sexually dimorphic. Male has bluish black coat. It has two white spots on each of the two cheeks and white on lips, chin, ankle and under-surface of tail. It has black tuft of stiff hair on throat. Young and sub-adult males are greyish-brownish with small cone like horns. Females have dark brown or pale rufous colour.
👉Distribution : Almost entire Gujarat if suitable habitats exist.
👉Habitat : It inhabits grasslands, open countryside, open forests, scrub forests etc. It avoids dense forests and steep with terrain.
👉Behaviour : Crepuscular. Usually in small herd of 5-25 individuals. Makes a grunting sound on sensing a danger. Visits the same spot fol defecating (dropping) and it is known as "Akhali". It can jump more than 2 meters.
👉Signs of presence : Hoof marks, "Akhali."
Population : 2001 2005
77320 more than 97,000
(Population of this antelope is increasing in some areas and it is main cause of man-animal conflict.)
👉Nilgai is the tallest antelope of India. It is found only in the Indian peninsula from the base of the Himalayas to Mysore. In many parts of India (including Gujarat) Nilgai enjoys complete immunity. The phrase "gai" in its name influences many rural people of Gujarat to believe it as a sacred animal like a cow (i.e. 'Gai').