CITES : Appendices
Schedule : III
Population : Over 3,800
Activity : Crepuscular to Nocturnal
Social Group : Small Group
👉Local name : Sambar, Sabar
👉Physical measurements & life cycle : 👇
Length : 150 - 200 cm
Weight : 225 - 320 kg
Height : 135 cm
Antlers : 105 cm
Maturity : Not Known
Gestation : 6 months
Litter size : 1
Life span : 20 years
Breeding : November - December
👉Description : This is the largest deer in India that has long and round ears. Male sambar can be identified by its dark brown body and long branched antlers. Female lacks antlers. Male has mane around neck and throat.
👉Food : Herbivorous (grazer and browser). Feeds on grass, leaves, wild fruits etc.
👉Distribution : At present this deer occurs in Gir, Mitiyala and Girnar only. In the past, sambar was distributed in parts of South Gujarat, Saurashtra, and North Gujarat.
👉Habitat : Rocky and hilly area of dense and open deciduous forests.
👉Behaviour : Crepuscular to nocturnal. It rests between morning and evening m forest. It grazes from evening to early morning. Prefers wallowing In pool. Makes loud "Bhoonk"/ "Dhank" call when frightened. Usuany found in small groups in our area.
👉Signs of presence : Shed antlers, hair in wallowing area and droppings.
👉Population : Year 1990 1995 2001 2005
Nos. 1,764 2,262 2,550 3,670 - 3,870
(In Gir / Girnar)
👉Sambar is the largest deer in India. Sambar is the forest-loving deer. Forested hill-sides, preferably near cultivation are the favourite haunt of the sambar. Sambar has acute sense of smell and hearing, though that of sight is moderate. The adult stag is grand looking animal that cast their antlers between March and mid-April. Sambar is one of the poachers' favoured animals on account of the amount of meat it carries-a stag may weigh up to 320 kg. The sharp, short "dhank"-"dhank" call of the sambar is a thrilling jungle sound as it suggests the proximity of a tiger or a leopard. As per an anecdote the name of the river Sabarmati in N. Gujarat has originated due to sambars inhabiting shore areas of this river.