IUCN                         :  LRlc
Schedule                  :  III
Population              :  Over 26,000
Activity                    :  Crepuscular to Nocturnal
Social Group           :  Sounder of 5 to 30 individuals

👉Local name   :   Bhund, Dukkar, Jungli suvar

👉Physical measurements & life cycle : 👇

Length                     :  90 - 135 cm

Weight                     :  90 - 110 kg

Height                      :  90 cm

Gestation                 :  4 months

Life span                 :  8 - 10 years

Breeding                 :  Any time years. 

👉Description   :   Wild boar is larger than domestic pig. Body colour is black mixed with grey, brown and white hairs. The male has well-developed tushes. It lacks tufts on tail unlike its domesticated counterpart. 

👉Food   :  Omnivorous. It consumes grainy crops, roots, rhizomes, insects, snakes etc. 

👉Distribution    :   It exists in all forest areas of the state of Gujarat. 

👉Habitat   :  Grassland and open scrub forest. 

👉Behaviour   :   Crepuscular to nocturnal. It lives in sounder of 10 to 30 or more individuals. During the mating time, males can be seen fighting with each other. Generally they camp near water-hole in muddy area. Their olfactory sense (i.e. sense of smell) is very sharp which helps to find out food beneath surface soil. It wallows in mud/ water. 

👉Signs of presence   :   Dug up soil, high pitched long "teeinee" call. 

Population   :    Year      1990          1995                2001 
                             Nos.      505 (Gir)   1,214 (Gir)     25,500 (Present population is over 26,000 individuals in Gujarat) 

👉The Wild boar (Sus scrofa) is the wild ancestor of the domestic pig. The difference between the wild and domestic animals is often challenging. Both are described as Sus scrofa, and domestic pigs readily become feral creating confusion about their status especially near the settlements at the edges of forests. Few important morphological differences have been provided in the text. Apart from those, one more characteristic by which domestic breed and wild relatives are differentiated is coats. Wild boars unlike domestic pigs almost always have thick, short bristly coats ranging in colour from brown through grey to black. A prominent ridge of hair matching the spine is often conspicuous in wild boars. Wild animals often tend to have longer legs than domestic breeds and a longer/ narrower head and snout. The farmer considers it as his enemy due to its crop destructive nature. It is a fearless animal with lot of strength and agility. It is seldom that any of the big cats will wittingly attack a wild boar as the boar knows well how to make use of its razor-sharp weapon-the tushes.

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