IUCN                      :  LRnt 
CAMP                     :  LR 
Schedule               :  III
Activity                 :  Nocturnal 
Social Grup          :  Solitary or Pairs
Population           :  About 900 in 2001 though exact population is not known. 

👉Local name   :   Jarakh

👉Physical measurements & life cycle :👇

Length                :  115 - 150 cm (Head to tail) 

Height                :  65 - 70 cm (At shoulder) 

Weight               :  Male :  30 - 40 kg,  Female :  25 - 35 kg

Gestation          :  84 days

Life span           :  15 - 20 years

Breeding           :  winter

👉Description  :  Hyena has aesthetically unpleasing and strange-looking dog- like appearance. Head and front portion of the body are massive. Its front body portion is taller; hind parts are lower. It has heavy dorsal crest of long hair. Its coat is dirty white to greyish with blackish stripes on body and limbs.

👉Food  :  Carnivorous. Chiefly a scavenger and thus feeds on carrion, bones, carcass etc. Occasionally, it also preys on live sheep, goats and village dogs etc. 

👉Distribution  :   Hyena occurs all over the state. 

👉Habitat  :   It inhabits forests, open areas, grasslands, ravines, wastelands etc. 

👉Behaviour   :   Nocturnal. It rests in grass and thickets, under the bushes, or in dens. Usually found solitarily or in pairs. It can break, crush, chew or swallow bones. It makes chattering noise.

👉Signs of presence  :  Pugmarks (Marks of fore-feet are larger than those of hind- feet). 

👉Population  :  About 900 individuals was estimated in 2001.

👉Striped hyena not only looks weird, but also produces some 'unearthly' weird calls. Usually, this animal avoids to confrontation with other bigger animals like leopard or dogs. However, when the need arises of defending the food, it doesn't hesitate to attack strong/bigger animal like a leopard. When it does not see any chance of escaping from a pack of dogs, it often pretends dead. India has only Striped hyena as Brown and Spotted hyenas occur in Africa.

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